What are Musubi NFTs by NinjaDAO?

Musubi is a commemorative profile picture (PFP) collection created by NinjaDAO to celebrate the renewal of their community server. Featuring NinjaDAO’s popular mascot character Honchi, the collection represents the bond that members form within the community.

These special NFTs will hold sentimental value for NinjaDAO members who experienced the server transfer in March 2023.

Musubi mint details:

Date & Time 13 May 2023 (JST)
Price 0.01 ETH
Items 2,222
Network Ethereum
Reveal N/A
AL OG role (遷都2023) holders only
Role distribution finished
FCFS (role overallocated)
Musubi(結び) means “knot” in Japanese. Its verb form “musubu(結ぶ)” is often used in sentences to describe the relationship and connection between people. For example, “絆を結ぶ(Kizuna wo Musubu)” means “to form a bond with someone”.
The director of the project is Osushi Shokunin, an established voxel artist with her own art studio, Osushi Voxel Studio, and one of the core and early members of NinjaDAO.

“We want the collection to represent not only our bond, but also our community values of kindness and respect for one another,” said Osushi.

What is NinjaDAO?

NinjaDAO is one of the largest and most active NFT communities in Japan, founded by marketing influencer Ikehaya in September 2021. There have been many successful NFT collections released by the NinjaDAO community – the most famous being CryptoNinja Partners (CNP), which is the top Japanese collection by market capitalization and trading volume.


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The community’s decision to move to the new server was due to technical issues with the old Discord server.

“It was a big decision for us as we had over 100,000 members in the community at the time,” said Ikehaya. “But I was confident that we could overcome this challenge because we have a strong community with many loyal members who feel a sense of belonging to NinjaDAO. ”

In fact, the transition went well, and the community became even more vibrant after the move.
“This experience made us realize how resilient and special the NinjaDAO community is. So, why not create an NFT collection to celebrate the move? ” Ikehaya said.

Musubi Utilities and Allowlist


Musubi is a commemorative collection, so there may not be any utilities with the NFTs. All profits from initial sales and royalties from secondary sales are transferred to the NinjaDAO treasury wallet, which is then used to support the creative work of community members.

“NinjaDAO is a creator-first community, so the goal of the Musubi project is to help more creators start or continue their creative work. Producing more successful creators will make our community even more vibrant and stronger in the long run,” said Ikehaya.


Allowlists are distributed to the community member with the OG role (遷都2023). The role holders can apply for the AL through the link in NinjaDAO’s “Musubi Collection by NinjaDAO (MCND)” under the project-info channel before April 30th. The mint will also be FCFS as the collection is limited to only 2,222 pieces.

OG role was distributed to members who were on the new server and applied for the role during the first two weeks of the server move. Please note that this role is no longer distributed.

“Since Musubi is a commemorative collection, we want only NinjaDAO members who share our values to mint the NFTs, not short-term traders,” said Ikehaya.

Musubi is a collection that represents the value of the NinjaDAO community. If you are lucky to have the OG role, don’t forget to mint it on 13 May!

The content is for informational purposes only. Investment/financial opinions expressed by Web3 Zen.com are not recommendations. As always, please do your own research prior to making any investment decisions.

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