What are Shinsei Galverse NFTs? Everything You Need to Know About the Project

Launched in April 2022, the Shinsei Galverse has become one of the most successful and established NFT collections in Japan. With its unique 80s anime-style art, the collection attracted much interest from the global market and ranked No.1 on OpenSea.

So, what makes Shinsei Galverse so special?

Let’s dive deep into the project!

  • The vision is to be the first Web3 NFT community to launch an anime
  • It has a high proportion of unique holders and long-term investors
  • The team has a good level of funding
  • The prequel chapter of the Galverse manga is being created by the artist
  • The team is currently pitching to Japanese anime studios for a series pilot

Full disclosure: I own Shinsei Galverse NFTs at the time of writing.

What are Shinsei Galverse NFTs?

Ayaka Best (source: OpenSea)

Shinsei Galverse is an 8,888 profile picture (PFP) collection on the Ethereum blockchain generated from hundreds of traits with varying rarities. It was released in April 2022 at the mint price of 0.07ETH, and the whole collection was sold out within five hours.

Their 80s-influenced anime illustrations were drawn with a theme of the beauty and fragility of life. The story is based on the 8,888 Gals shooting across space and time to bring peace to the galaxy – one planet at a time.

Their vision is to be the first Web3 community to launch an anime. They plan to pitch Shinsei Galverse to major studios for a series pilot before transitioning into full production.

Their slogan is WAGMA – We are gonna make an anime!
You can find the rarities of the collection using the Rarity Sniper here.

Team Behind Shinsei Galverse

Giuliana Juno (source: OpenSea)

The collection was founded by two female artists from Japan and two Australian NFT investors:

Emi is a vocalist of a band called Satellite Young and a part-time lecturer at Tokyo University of the Arts. She is also the mother of a nine year old NFT artist, who created the popular Zombi Zoo collection. She is responsible for creating the story and concept of Galverse with Ayaka.

Ayaka is a self-taught anime artist based in Tokyo. She has a lot of experience in music video production, working with well-known hip hop bands such as m-flo and LEX in Japan. She is responsible for all the artwork in Galverse.

Devin is based in California and currently works as the head of design strategy at Dropbox. He has experience working in Google, Android, and YouTube in a senior design role.

Jack, based in Australia, has over 10 years of experience in marketing, business development, and communication. In Galverse, he is responsible for English communications and partnerships using his expertise. He uses the name “Wailoaloa” on social media.

Because of the team’s diversified skills, they were able to deliver a strong marketing campaign, leading the collection to global success in April.

Shinsei Galverse: Utility & Roadmap

Arantxa Ariel (source: OpenSea)

While the team is focused on getting the anime into production, it has plans to reward the holders with a lot of exciting utilities such as:

  • Exclusive community access to engage in the anime creation
  • Rights to download the art assets featuring your NFT character
  • NFT Airdrops – collaborations with well-known NFT artists planned

Ayaka, the artist, is in a process of creating the prequel chapter of the manga. The has released the first pages on the official website with limited access to the NFT owners.

Shinsei Galverse NFT Price Chart & Analysis

Rachael Herse (source: OpenSea)

Price Chart

Galverse’s initial mint took place in April 2022 at a price of 0.07ETH. The below chart shows the price movement for the last 90 days.

Source: OpenSea (as of 15 July 2022)

The price reached above 0.5ETH around the time of the reveal (i.e. the NFT art becomes available to view). As often seen in the NFT market, the price decreased sharply after and has struggled to make it back to that level. The price support level has been around 0.16ETH since then.

This movement isn’t all that surprising considering the project’s vision, WAGMA (we are gonna make an anime). Anime-making is a long-term project which can easily take several years to produce. Although Ayaka, the artist, has been working on the Galverse manga, it is hard to keep giving updates to excite the community during the process.

However, the team has recently revealed the first pages of the prequel chapter, and they have started to pitch Galverse to Japanese anime producers. Depending on the progress, the NFT price could gain momentum again.

Holders’ Characteristics

The tables below show the characteristics of the Galverse owners.

Source: NFTGO (as of 15 July 2022)

Over 40% of the owners have held the NFTs since the initial mint period, and about half of the owners have held for more than 30 days.

Considering that the short-term holdings are low and the percentage of listings on OpenSea is only around 6%, the Shinsei Galverse may be more appropriate for medium to long-term buyers.

Galverse has a good level of holders’ distribution – see below.

Source: NFTGO (as of 15 July 2022) – number of Galverse NFTs owned per wallet

Almost 90% of owners hold between 1 to 3 NFTs, and the proportion of whale owners is relatively small limiting their impact on the price. There is room for current owners to purchase more to increase their NFT holdings.


In this section, I want to dig a little deeper into the project.  As a holder of the Galverse NFT, I will share some of my thoughts and analysis with you.

There are two key points to consider:

  1. Funds raised
  2. Community’s involvement

① Funds raised

The team already has a good level of funding raised from the NFT sales, and thus is in a good position to attract the attention of major productions.

At the initial mint, they raised about 600ETH, which is equivalent to $1.8mil, based on ETH/$ rate at that time. In addition, their royalty income for the first three months was about 285ETH.

Considering that there are only four core members on the team, they should have the budget to market the brand, hire some creators if necessary, and even tie up with anime producers to create high-quality anime.

Their plan is to create a pilot episode to pitch Galverse to the big studios rather than creating proper anime series themselves.

They have enough funds to achieve this goal, putting them ahead of the game.

② Community’s involvement

Although the Galverse Discord group has attentive moderators actively communicating with its members, there hasn’t been much involvement from the community members on the anime production side. Until now, it was hard for the NFT owners to feel like they were a part of the project.

However, the team is trying to change this and has created closed channels where the NFT holders can give input into the story-making of the anime. This should have a positive impact on the community as it could result in the members feeling more attached to their Galverse NFTs.


Dzovinar Acrux (source: OpenSea)

Shinsei Galverse is an 80s anime-style collection, which has the potential to become a major anime series.

  • The vision is to be the first Web3 NFT community to launch an anime
  • It has a high proportion of unique holders and long-term investors
  • The team has a good level of funding
  • The prequel chapter of the Galverse manga is being created by the artist
  • The team is currently pitching to Japanese anime studios for a series pilot

Useful links for Shinsei Galverse

The content is for informational purposes only. Investment/financial opinions expressed by Web3 Zen.com are not recommendations. As always, please do your own research prior to making any investment decisions.

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